ARIS at RedHat Enterprise Linux

Install RPM packages and start ACA (linux)

/etc/init.d/ArisCloudagent10 stop
yum -y remove aris10-acc aris10-cloud-agent aris10-scriptrunner aris10adm
cd ARIS_DVD-10.*/Setups/Linux_RedHat
aris_force_install=1 rpm -i ARIS_Agent/*.rpm ARIS_Cloud_Controller/*.rpm ARIS_Admin/*.rpm ARIS_Scriptrunner/*.rpm
sed -i 's/\(nofile\s*\)[0-9]*$/\165536/g' /etc/security/limits.d/40-aris10.conf
echo "aris10     soft     memlock    unlimited" >> /etc/security/limits.d/40-aris10.conf
echo "aris10     hard     memlock    unlimited" >> /etc/security/limits.d/40-aris10.conf
/etc/init.d/ArisCloudagent10 start
tail /home/ARIS10/cloudagent/log/agent.log

Install ARIS Connect Server (windows)

cd ARIS_DVD-10.*\Setups\Windows\ARIS_Server
  • Next
  • I accept the terms of the license agreement
  • Install ARIS Server on remote computer:
  • ARIS Connect (only)
  • Next (no external IP, we will use a hostname which is also in a SSL certificte for HTTP)
  • Next (no change of the agent user credentials; we will restrict ACA port 14000 at a firewall)
  • Next (default port numbers)
  • Medium (~50 users)
  • Import license now
  • Stardard DBMS
  • SMTP server hostname, port, and sender
  • Next (no proxy)
  • Start automatically
  • Install

Start the server (linux)

  • disable ACA authentication and restrict it to localhost clients
  • bind elastic_m to IPv4 address (there is bug in IPv6 binding which causes BindException because the usage of a non-existing IPv6 address)
  • in case of “Runnable apg_m is FAILED.” becasue of “Port already in use: 14426” or “Address already in use” exception, just wait and try again
/etc/init.d/ArisCloudagent10 stop
echo "disable.authentication=true" >> /home/ARIS10/cloudagent/agent.cfg
echo "rest.local.connections.only=true" >> /home/ARIS10/cloudagent/agent.cfg
/etc/init.d/ArisCloudagent10 start
echo ",$(ip addr show dev eno1 | grep -o 'inet [0-9.]\+' | cut -d ' ' -f 2)" >> /home/ARIS10/cloudagent/work/work_elastic_m/ -h localhost startall

Set HTTPS/SSL certificate (linux)

  • certificate.crt should be in POM format, not in DER format, so do not use openssl x509 -outform der -in /etc/letsencrypt/live/$(hostname -f)/cert.pem -out ssl-cert/certificate.crt
cd /home/ARIS10
mkdir -p ssl-cert
rm -f ssl-cert/*
cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/$(hostname -f)/fullchain.pem ssl-cert/certificate.crt
cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/$(hostname -f)/privkey.pem ssl-cert/certificate.key
cd ssl-cert
zip -9 ../ *
cd - -h localhost stop loadbalancer_m -h localhost enhance loadbalancer_m with sslCertificate local file "/home/ARIS10/" -h localhost start loadbalancer_m

Configuration via Web interface

  • Login by default username “system” and password “manager”.
  • Edit default users and change their passwords:
    • “system” user with default password “manager”
    • “superuser” user with default password “superuser”
    • “guest” user
  • Import licences.
  • Create user groups ‘users’ (all licence privileges) and ‘admins’ (all fucntion privileges).

ARIS management by CLI tools

Create a new user and assign him/her to “users” gourp

/home/ARIS10/cloudagent/work/work_umcadmin_m/tools/bin/ -s https://localhost:1443/ createUser -u system -p manager \
/home/ARIS10/cloudagent/work/work_umcadmin_m/tools/bin/ -s https://localhost:1443/ assignUser -u system -p manager \
-au ${NEW_USER_USERNAME} -ag users

Create a new database


Launch ARIS client JAR files (linux)

  • ARIS client will use directory ${ARIS_HOME}/ARIS10 to store downloaded artefacts
  • the client is looking for “javaw.exe” and “java.exe” in Java system property “sun.boot.library.path”, however, it is executing the enquoted filepath (e.g., ${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/amd64/javaw.exe) not as a path but as a filename in directory ${ARIS_HOME}/ARIS10/DownloadClient/${SERVER_IP}, so it results into IOException “No such file or directory” (fix by a symlink to ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java doest not help)
java -DARISuser.home=${ARIS_HOME} -jar ARIS_*_default.jar
# error


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